
How does the brain work? Using real and fictional characters to setup a story framework, I write about the science of the human (and sometimes animal) mind. I am a journalist rather than a neuroscientist so my approach is exploratory.

These ten sample questions cover some of the topics I have discussed in my articles. To explore the subjects further, use the site search form at Brain Stories to find the relevant articles by using keywords from the questions and answers (e.g. enter "turmeric in the search engine to learn more about question #4).

1. What primary brain organ is activated by fear?
  1. Hippocampus
  2. Amygdala
  3. Heart
  4. Basal Ganglia
2. What's the neuroscience term used to describe the ability to reprogram neural pathways?
  1. Neuroelasticity
  2. Neuro-rewiring
  3. Neuroplasticity
  4. Relearning
3. What brain chemical is activated by cocaine?
  1. Oxytocin
  2. Endorphine
  3. Dopamine
  4. Seratonin
4. Some studies show that turmeric can potentially help reduce the affects of which brain disorder?
  1. Alzheimer's
  2. Bi-polar Disorder
  3. ADHD
  4. Dyslexia
5. Which one of these does NOT play an important role in the formation of memory?
  1. Medial Prefrontal Cortex
  2. Amygdala
  3. Hippocampus
  4. Basal Ganglia
6.Is is possible that prejudice and racism are coded in the neurons?
  1. Yes
  2. No
7. Which activity releases oxytocin?
  1. Eating
  2. Sex
  3. Jogging
  4. Laughing
8. How does exercise help your brain?
  1. Produces Endorphins
  2. Activates amygdala
  3. Produces seratonin
  4. None of the above
9. What part of the brain is affected by ADHD?
  1. Parietal lobe
  2. Occipital lobe
  3. Frontal lobe
  4. Temporal lobe
10. What disease would be devastating for a writer?
  1. Astasia
  2. Aphasia
  3. Dysmimia
  4. Meningitis

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